Monday, January 19, 2009

The Challenge...UPDATE #1

So it has been, what, almost 2 weeks now without shopping.  2 long weeks, I am ashamed to admit :(  I think I probably started complaining 4 days in...


...maybe 3 (or 2...was it really the next day?!)...

...regardless, I {we} have stuck to it.  Yay us!  Luckily I have Sara to commiserate with.

I try not to look at online sites because then I have that consumer urge.  I have only been to the mall once in the last 2 weeks and that was to have dinner with Christina.

See, I'm being good :)

I guess considering the state our economy is in, shopping is not a good idea right now anyway.

Now would someone please tell that to all the designers releasing their spring lines right now!!!

OK...I am calm.  I can do this.  We can do this.  3 months, 2 weeks, and some odd hours left...

But really - who's counting?