Oh how I hate being cramped in this little room with all these other people. I think they said there are 65 of us in here. It's quite small. At least I won't have to come back here for another year (or more - hopefully!). Have I ever told you that I have the WORST luck with Jury Duty? I think I have been summoned 5-6 times now. Holy Moly. I know it is my duty as an American Citizen, but I sure don't enjoy it.
I live 1 block away from the Redwood City courthouse. Where did they assign me to???
Answer: South San Francisco
The waiting room for jurors is kind of like jail. There is a TV that doesn't work, but DOES play the "How to be Juror" movie on it. There is a water dispenser. Bathrooms. Lots of rows of chairs with about as much room between them as an airline seat has. And for the lucky few (yep, I was one of them), a long table with chairs so that you can sit at your laptop.
Save Me.
hahahaha, i've SO been there. just before my freshmen year of college. i remember thinking, $5 bucks, that's all? they better not call me in. i'd rather pay them $5 to not call me in.
5 or 6 times??? WOW! I have never been called. I am sure after making this somment it will now happen...
comment :)
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