Thursday, January 15, 2009

Alvin Gets a Haircut

Every time we get into the car to go for a ride, Alvin gets excited.  Once we arrived at Petsmart this time, he was running and tugging on the leash to get in the door.  Then we get inside and he freezes, suddenly realizing why we're there.  He HATES going to the groomer.  They tell me he is very squirmy.  I can imagine him wiggling all over the grooming table while the lady tries to shave him...doesn't sound especially safe to begin with.  Anyway, he always looks so cute after.  AND his ears always look extra large.  He has pointy Yorkie ears as it is, but after he gets his hair cut short, his ears are super pointy and sonar-looking.  So funny.


Em said...

so darling!

Tawny, Bo and Orion Aye said...

look at those EARS!!!! he is so cute!